home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- G4C
- ; This is a program for the installation of Gui4Cli to your system.
- ; Click on it's icon to install.
- ; Comodore's Installer, would do a better job, but since I don't
- ; know how to write scripts for it, and since this is an other
- ; excuse for making a gui, here it is.
- ; If you have any problems (God forbid), just install it by hand.
- ; Instructions are in the ReadMe.now file
- WINBIG 171 12 320 139 "Install Gui4Cli"
- WinType 11110001
- WinOut "con:0/12/400/80/Gui4Cli Installation/CLOSE/AUTO/WAIT"
- BOX 0 0 0 0 out button
- BOX 10 5 300 68 in button
- BOX 10 95 300 39 IN BUTTON
- ;--------------------------------- Start up events --------------------
- xOnLoad
- extract Install GUIPATH path
- cd $path
- ; --------- Check to find gui4cli
- joinfile $path Gui4Cli g4cname
- ifexists file $g4cname
- ; ok
- else
- ezreq "Gui4Cli not found.\nPlease read the ReadMe.now\nfile and try again" "OK" ''
- Quit
- endif
- ; --------- Set default variable values
- dir = SYS:Gui4Cli
- dirinfo = SYS:Gui4Cli.info
- assign = ON
- dirmake = YES
- ; --------- Warn user if Gui4Cli already exists
- ifexists assign GUIs
- if guis: F= $path
- ; it's ok it's this dir
- else
- dirmake = NO
- dir = GUIs:
- assign = OFF
- update Install 7 0
- update Install 2 "Directory exists."
- endif
- endif
- GuiOpen Install
- update Install 1 $dir
- xOnClose
- Quit
- ;------------------------------ Install Gui4Cli program -----------------
- CTEXT 20 10 "Gui4Cli Installation" topaz.font 8 2 0 0001
- XBUTTON 210 10 89 14 "Browse.."
- gdir = ''
- ReqFile -1 -1 250 -60 "Choose path for Gui4Cli" DIR gdir $dir
- if $gdir != ""
- joinfile $gdir Gui4Cli dir
- joinfile $gdir Gui4Cli.info dirinfo
- ifexists DIR $dir
- dirmake = NO
- assign = OFF
- update Install 7 0
- update Install 2 "Directory Gui4Cli exists"
- else
- dirmake = YES
- assign = ON
- update Install 7 1
- update Install 2 "Will create Directory Gui4Cli"
- endif
- update Install 1 $dir
- endif
- TEXT 20 25 280 14 "sys:" 120 BOX
- GadID 1
- TEXT 20 40 280 14 "Creates Directory named Gui4Cli" 60 NOBOX
- GadID 2
- TEXT 20 55 280 14 "File Gui will be copied to c:" 50 NOBOX
- GadID 3
- ;====================> Assign GUIs:
- TEXT 20 80 236 11 "Add commands to User-Startup?" 30 NOBOX
- GadID 4
- XCHECKBOX 260 80 26 13 "" assign "ON" "OFF" ON
- gadID 7
- ;----------------------- Run Install -------------------------------
- XBUTTON 25 115 100 14 Install!
- SetWinTitle Install "Installing..."
- guiwindow install wait
- FailAt 10
- ; copy Gui
- copy gui c:
- update Install 3 "File Gui copied."
- update Install 10 5 ; gauge
- ; Make G4C dir & dir icon
- if $dirmake = YES
- makedir $dir
- copy g4cdrawer $dirinfo
- update Install 2 "Gui4Cli dir created."
- Assign GUIs: $dir
- endif
- update Install 10 10 ; gauge
- ; add the assign to s:user-startup
- if $assign = ON
- update Install 4 "Assigning..."
- Append s:user-startup "\n;START of Gui4Cli assign\n"
- Append s:user-startup 'Assign GUIs: $dir \n'
- Append s:user-startup 'Path GUIs:c add\n'
- Append s:user-startup ";END of Gui4Cli assign\n"
- update Install 4 "GUIs: Assign added."
- endif
- update Install 10 15 ; gauge
- ; copy the fonts
- update Install 1 "Copying font..."
- copy fonts/#? fonts:
- update Install 10 20 ; gauge
- ; ----- copy the files
- ; tools
- update Install 1 "Copying Tools..."
- ; get & save new players
- joinfile $dir "tools/prefs/players" playfile
- ifexists file $playfile
- guiload tools/prefs/players
- guiload $playfile ; overlay old prefs
- flag = 1
- endif
- action copy tools $dir
- if $flag = 1
- gosub install saveprefs
- endif
- ; check favourites files
- gosub install savefavs
- update Install 10 40
- ; C
- update Install 1 "Copying C..."
- copy c $dir
- update Install 10 45
- ; docs
- update Install 1 "Copying Docs..."
- action copy docs $dir
- update Install 10 60
- ; dir.gc
- update Install 1 "Copying Dir.gc..."
- joinfile $dir dir/dir.user userfile
- ifexists file $userfile
- rename dir/dir.user dir/dir.user.empty
- endif
- copy Dir $dir
- update Install 10 70
- ; G4C
- update Install 1 "Copying G4C..."
- copy G4C $dir
- update Install 10 80
- ; ------- copy the files
- ; icons
- update Install 1 "Copying Files..."
- rename Install.info ginfo ; so that it's not copied
- copy #?.info $dir
- rename ginfo Install.info
- update Install 10 85
- ifexists file c:Gui4Cli
- delete c:Gui4Cli
- endif
- copy Gui4Cli $dir
- update Install 10 95
- copy Gui4Cli.gc $dir
- copy Demo.gc $dir
- copy ReadMe.now $dir
- update Install 10 100
- update Install 1 "Gui4Cli Installed."
- cli 'c:path guis:c add'
- SetWinTitle Install "Gui4Cli Installation"
- guiwindow install resume
- ezreq "Installation finished.\nGui4Cli can be found in\n$dir" "Yeah!" ""
- ; quit since this is another port
- ifexists port Gui4Cli
- else
- run 'gui guis:Gui4Cli.gc'
- endif
- Quit
- ;------------> On failing
- xOnFail
- SetWinTitle Install "**** ERROR ****"
- guiwindow install resume
- EZREQ "ERROR in installation\nPlease read the ReadMe.Now file\nand install manually." "OK" ""
- Quit
- ;----------------------- Cancel button ------------------------------
- XBUTTON 200 115 100 14 CANCEL
- Quit
- GAUGE 22 99 281 13 IN RIDGE 3 0 0
- gadid 10
- ; --------------------------- ROUTINES -------------------------
- ; Same routine as in guis:tools/config.gc
- xroutine saveprefs
- .dir.prefs = "G4C - Players\n\nxOnLoad\n"
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.EDITOR = \"$*DEF.EDITOR\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.ILBM = \"$*DEF.ILBM\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.ANIM = \"$*DEF.ANIM\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.GIF = \"$*DEF.GIF\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.JPG = \"$*DEF.JPG\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.GFX = \"$*DEF.GFX\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.PAINT = \"$*DEF.PAINT\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.GFXCON = \"$*DEF.GFXCON\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.SMPL = \"$*DEF.SMPL\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.MOD = \"$*DEF.MOD\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.GUIDE = \"$*DEF.GUIDE\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.LHA = \"$*DEF.LHA\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.ZIP = \"$*DEF.ZIP\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.UNZIP = \"$*DEF.UNZIP\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.HEX = \"$*DEF.HEX\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.PP = \"$*DEF.PP\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.PPM = \"$*DEF.PPM\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.TGA = \"$*DEF.TGA\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.PNG = \"$*DEF.PNG\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.FONT = \"$*DEF.FONT\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.HTML = \"$*DEF.HTML\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.GFXED = \"$*DEF.GFXED\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.FLC = \"$*DEF.FLC\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.AVI = \"$*DEF.AVI\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.MPG = \"$*DEF.MPG\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.QT = \"$*DEF.QT\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.MPGA = \"$*DEF.MPGA\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs '*DEF.DT = \"$*DEF.DT\"\n'
- append env:.dir.prefs "GuiQuit Players\n"
- copy env:.dir.prefs guis:tools/prefs/players
- delete env:.dir.prefs
- xROUTINE savefavs
- .temp = "GUIs:"
- ; check if fav directory exists
- joinfile $dir "tools/fav" favdir
- ifexists directory $favdir
- else
- makedir $favdir
- endif
- ; check & create fav files
- joinfile $dir "tools/fav/dirdef" favfile
- ifexists file $favfile ; dir favourites files
- else
- copy env:.temp $favfile
- endif
- joinfile $dir "tools/fav/cedfav" favfile
- ifexists file $favfile ; ced
- else
- copy env:.temp $favfile
- endif
- joinfile $dir "tools/fav/default" favfile
- ifexists file $favfile ; default
- else
- copy env:.temp $favfile
- endif